The EPA’s Fiscal Year 18-22 Long Term Transformation Strategy

takes into account the goals of the SWDA to bring to us a cleaner and safer environment for water delivery. These include:

These include:

  • Agency Priority Goal (APG) 2.1: Reduce the number of community water systems out of compliance with health-based standards from 3,508 to 2,700
  • Agency Priority Goal (APG) 2.2: Increase by $40 billion the non-federal dollars leveraged by EPA water infrastructure finance programs (2019 APG= increase by $16 billion)

  • Agency Priority Goal (APG) 2.3: Reduce the number of square miles of a watershed with surface water not meeting standards by 37,000 square miles
Annual Performance Goals Aligned with Long Term Performance Goal Targets
    2019 2020
1.2.1 Number of community water systems out of compliance with health-based standards 3,803 3,280
1.2.2 Billions of non-federal dollars leveraged by EPA water infrastructure finance programs (CWSRF, DWSRF, and WIFIA 8.0 8.0
1.2.3 Reduction in the number of square miles of a watershed with surface water not meeting standards (cumulative) 9,000 18,000

 It will be interesting to know how much progress was actually made in terms of these goals in 2019.  Current data for 2019 does not yet appear to be listed.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency
The fiscal Year 2020
Justification of Appropriation Estimates for the Committee on Appropriations

Tab 14:  Program Performance and Assessment

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